The One Thing You Need For the New Year!

Happy New Year!

Like all of you, I have been thinking of new goals for the new year. Who doesn’t want to start out a new year with new behaviors? It is a season that we tend to reflect on our previous year and feel we are offered an opportunity to improve. Josh asked me what my 3 goals were for the upcoming year and to be honest, I haven’t answered him. I want to be very specific yet broad all at the same time. Does anyone else feel that way?

Focusing on one goal at a time

I listen to a lot of podcasts during my drives to and from work. I mean, a lot of podcasts, too many podcasts! Although they are all valuable, they leave me feeling like I can conquer the world! I tend to get too many ideas and become way to ambitious! My grandiose ideas steer me into too many lanes and I am not nearly as laser focused as I should be on specific goals.

One thing I have learned, but still need to work on, is that you should start with one specific goal. If you set your eyes on several goals and do not focus on one, you will end up doing everything half-assed (sorry for the language). As Rachel Hollis has said, if you throw a bunch of pebbles into a lake, it will make small ripples in the water but not much movement. Now, throw a boulder into the lake and you’ll make a ginormous splash and some serious movement!

We all need to see some serious movement within the goals we have set for ourselves. Movement means progress which will continue to motivate you to keep fighting for that particular goal. Without movement, progress, and motivation, you may begin to feel discouraged and will quit.

Declare your goal

Once you have picked out your one particular goal – say it out loud! Not only should you say it, you should scream it from the roof tops! I am going to…..!!! Tell your spouse, your best friend, your parents, or just scream it out loud in your car (I’ve done that before and it actually worked). Also, this is important, you must be resolute and state your goal in the form of a statement. Do not say, I want to run a 5K, rather say, “I am going to run a 5K!” When you declare a goal, say it as though it is DEFINITELY going to happen!

My goal for this year

So here it goes, my declaration: I am going to present at two speaking engagements this year! Now, I am specifying two events because I already have one speaking engagement scheduled. I would be cheating myself, lying to all of you, and not challenging myself if I do not go beyond what I have planned already. I have decided to challenge myself and put myself out there a bit this year. Do I love public speaking, no – not really at all. But I see an opportunity to share some things I’m passionate about. I have had personal experiences that I feel other people would benefit from hearing about.

Speaking Engagement #1

This month, I will be speaking at a Women’s Winter Retreat hosted by Allerton Retreat Center and CUltivate. A great friend mentioned that she was going to be presenting and wondered if I would be interested as well. I thought, sure! In full transparency, I was not chosen to speak at this event nor did I apply. I emailed a chairperson, shared a topic idea that I feel I am knowledgeable in that would benefit women, and she said, “Sure!” So I will be presenting Clean Living – Why you should consider leading a cleaner lifestyle. I do not presume to be perfect in this topic, but as I have learned more I feel the need to share more.

Here in the U.S., there is a significant lack of regulation to protect us as consumers, especially from the ingredients in personal care products. Click HERE to learn how to keep you and your family safe. Or read this post on Phthalates, to understand why you should steer clear of them!

Sorry, I digress – but if you are local and interested in learning some valuable information to enhance your personal or professional life from some amazing local women, consider signing up for the Women’s Winter Retreat! I am looking forward to meeting new women, developing new friendships, networking, relaxing and learning ways to improve myself and have a kick butt year! I’d love to see you there!

Speaking Engagement #2

My second speaking engagement in 2020 is not as much of a sure thing. I have no idea if I will actually get the opportunity to present, but I really want this one! I pray that my passion and what I envision for this topic are portrayed clearly in my submission. If you are the praying kind, I’m not afraid to ask for a little prayer for this one. The topic is incredibly relevant in the arena and I feel that it could really affect the attendees.

Honestly, I wasn’t going to declare my goal on here, but I felt a bit hypocritical, and I do not like hypocrites, so here it goes. I am going to speak at a nursing conference  in a concurrent session on the importance of Family-Centered Care. Did you see how I stated it although I actually have no idea if it will actually happen!

After years have passed, I have come to the realization that I have been blessed with a different perspective. Although, it has taken me awhile to consider it a blessing. After being a NICU nurse for years and a NNP, sitting on the other side of the isolette as a mother of a 23 weeker, forever changed me. I know William’s story will change other lives as well and be incredibly impactful. So I am going to do it!

What are your goals?

It is time to dream, my friends. If not today, then when?

State your goal, then start to work backwards to figure out how you are going to achieve it. Write those steps down. Make sure the steps are measurable and concrete. Vagueness is a cop-out. Be brave, precise, and bold. If it was easy, you would have done it already. But you need very specific steps to get you to your dream. Write them down, dig deep, and get to work!

What you need to get started


Depending on your goal, you may need very specific things. But to start, I recommend a planner. Even with all of the technology, I still find it necessary and productive to have a paper planner. To keep yourself organized and on task, you should have a space to write down your daily, weekly and monthly priorities and goals. I really like this one by Clever Fox.

                     Planner with detailed daily and weekly priorities

Or this beauty by Smart Planner Pro. What I love about this planner is that it also has a place for daily gratitude. Practicing gratitude on a daily basis is an amazing behavior to adapt. Focusing on your daily blessings trains your mind to naturally see and appreciate the good things in your life.

The Pens

Now, here is the one thing I promise you need for the new year – in addition to all of the above! 😉 Amazing Pens! I have found the creme de la creme of pens! If you are a nurse or nurse practitioner, you understand the important of a good pen!

Also, because I love a clean and flawless organizer, checkbook etc. without marks all over it, I have found erasable pens – that actually work! Not only are the pens erasable, but they write beautifully and come in gorgeous colors so you can color coordinate your planner! Yes, nerd alert!!! The pens are from FriXion and they come in a colorful pack of 7 – Check them out HERE!

Happy New Year! I hope you all have an amazing year ahead of you! Reach for the stars, declare your goal, dig in and go for it! I’d love to hear what your goal is for the year, so please comment!

Love, Nicole

Phthalate Reference Guide

Phthalate Quick Reference Guide

You asked and we answered! Here is your one-page reference guide on phthalates! How can you possibly remember ALL OF THE THINGS we should be avoiding in our products? Use the reference to assist you to keep you and your family safe from the harmful effects of phthalates!

phthalate - quick reference guide to keep your family safe!
Phthalates – tips to follow to keep your family safe!

Click HERE to read a more detailed post on phthalates, and how to identify them on labels, what products in your home may expose you to them, and how they can affect the health of you and those you love! Do you need suggestions on safer personal care products, cleaning supplies, and home goods? Click HERE to see my favorite safe, clean products!

Leave a Comment!

If you find value in content like this one-page reference guide on phthalates, please comment below! I know it is difficult to decipher through all of the information available, so I hope you find this helpful! My goal is to share what I have learned and continue to learn in my mission to keep harmful chemicals out of my home. Please follow me on instagram to stay up to date!

Tips to live a more clean and green lifestyle
Please follow me to learn what chemicals to avoid and for more safe product suggestions for you and your family!


Do I really need to clean my fruits and vegetables?!?


Helpful Clean Living Tips
Read the tips below for simple, helpful tips on how to thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables to keep you and your family safe from harmful chemicals.

Make sure when you go shopping for your fruits and vegetables, bring your reusable mesh fruit/vegetable bags with you to avoid using the plastic bags from the store.  I love these because they come in a variety of sizes and are super sturdy!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends washing produce thoroughly. Using vinegar to clean your fruit will help kill bacteria and ensure your fruits and vegetables are safe for consumption. A study published in 2003 in the “Journal of Food Protection” found that washing apples with a vinegar and water solution reduced salmonella on the outer skin significantly more than washing them with water alone. A study found that vinegar killed approximately 98 percent of bacteria on the surface of fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash fruits and vegetables using 3 parts water to 1-part distilled vinegar. I use this distilled vinegar.

  • Smooth-skinned produce – includes tomatoes, apples, pears, and grapes. Use a spray bottle with the vinegar mixture to thoroughly coat the exterior of the fruit or vegetable.  Allow the produce to rest for 30 seconds before rubbing its surface and rinsing it under cold, running water which will remove the vinegar taste. The FDA recommends cleaning smooth-skinned fruits and vegetables by gently rubbing them with your hands instead of an abrasive scrubber to prevent the skin from breaking, which could expose the flesh to contaminants.

  • Rough-surfaced produce – includes broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, melons, potatoes, berries that are more difficult to clean. Soak the fruits and vegetables in the 1 to 3 vinegar solution for 10 minutes to ensure the acidic blend kills all bacteria. Once the soak is complete, scrub the vegetables with a brush and rinse them under running water.
  • Leafy vegetables – Pour the distilled vinegar into a large bowl or basin and add 3 cups of water. Stir gently with a large spoon or ladle to mix the liquids thoroughly. Separate the leaves of leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach and turnip greens, and dip them in the vinegar solution. Remove from the bowl, rinse under cold running water, shake off any excess and pat dry before serving.

Additional Tips:
 To protect yourself, always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the fruits/vegetables.
 Thoroughly wash sink before washing fruit or vegetables.
 Wash any surface the fruit/vegetable touched, including knives and cutting boards.
 Never cut or peel fruits and vegetables before washing them, as this can contaminate the flesh.
 Always dry produce with a clean cloth and cut away damaged areas before serving.
 When working with cabbage and lettuce, discard the outer leaves but do not fail to wash the inner leaves individually.
 Blend lemon juice with the vinegar mixture to increase its efficacy by increasing the acidity which will help kill larger amounts of bacteria, including E. coli.
 Washing berries with a vinegar solution offers additional benefits — it prevents them from molding within a few days of purchase.
 When shopping, choose unbruised and undamaged produce.
 Always wash oranges, melons, squash, pineapple and other produce with inedible rinds — cutting or peeling the produce will transfer contaminants to the edible flesh.

Overall, the USDA found 225 different pesticides and pesticide breakdown products on popular fruits and vegetables Americans eat every day. Before testing, all produce was washed and peeled, just as people would prepare food for themselves, which shows that simple washing does not remove all pesticides. The EWG’s Shopper’s Guide is a resource designed to help you reduce your pesticide exposures as much as possible by indicating which produce you should try to buy organic, and which conventional products are low in pesticide residue.

EWG’s Dirty Dozen for 2019
1. Strawberries
2. Spinach
3. Kale
4. Nectarines
5. Apples
6. Grapes
7. Peaches
8. Cherries
9. Pears
10. Tomatoes
11. Celery
12. Potatoes

Although we cannot prevent all of the chemicals from entering into the produce we purchase from a store, I hope these tips and knowledge will help to ensure to keep you and your family safe!

What is your story?

“Wake up Nicole, you had a baby boy.” The words I had been waiting to hear since I was a little girl dreaming of my future family. But my reality was far from the perfect story I had envisioned all of those years before.

What is your story? We all have a story. I have a story. My story is not extraordinary but it’s my story and is has forever changed me and the person I am today. I have had some great and glorious chapters in my story, but I have also endured some very difficult experiences in my life that were completely out of my control. Admitting that I do not have control over many chapters in my story is a very difficult concept for me to grasp and accept, and it may be for you as well. But how do you handle those left turns that knock you off of your feet? Regardless of our personal stories, we do have the ability to change some of the chapters in our lives. What kind of person are you? When something devastating occurs in your life, are you someone who will fall down to the ground in complete despair, with feelings of utter hopelessness and with the complete inability to move and get back up? Or are you someone who collapses to the floor, has a moment, but with time accepts what has happened, and begins to dig deep down inside to find the inner strength and determination to pull yourself back up and fight? The beauty of owning your own life story, is that you can change the chapters in your story! It is up to you!

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Nicole Nyberg. I am not a motivational speaker, nor am I a therapist. I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mom, a step-mom, a co-worker, and a friend who, just like you has experienced real life situations. I have learned some things through each of the chapters in my life and I continue to learn new things everyday! Have you ever felt like an experience in your life has repeated itself? As I look back on my life, I can now appreciate that sometimes a situation has repeated itself over and over until I actually came out of my fog and was able to learn the intended lesson – even if it took several times (insert eye roll)! My “Clean Up Your Act” blog is a place where I hope to share stories, laughter, ideas, joy, suggestions, generosity, tips, recommendations, and sometimes even a swift kick in the rear to help you clean up your act on the inside and out! I will speak very directly to you (and try to not be offensive) to help encourage you to take your life by the horns, accept the good, the bad, and the ugly and begin to live your best life! Now is the time to get up off the ground, accept your reality, take responsibility for your own actions and change the chapters in your life!

I will never pretend to have all of the answers nor will I put on a masquerade that my life and my well-being are in a perfect state. I have made and continue to make mistakes in my life on a daily basis just like you! I have been learning a lot over the last few years about living a cleaner life. I try to closely watch what I put into my mouth, what we put on our bodies, and how we clean our home. After hearing some of the absurd statistics regarding harmful chemicals in our food, personal care products, and cleaning products, I cannot unlearn the information and will not go back to living the way that I used to! Lately, I have also been focusing more on my mental and physical well-being and am working towards being a better version of myself. Again, I am a work in progress and will never claim perfection, but I hope you will join me in my journey! Thank you for taking time from your busy life to read my first blog! Be well, Nicole.