We are in the midst of something that has caught us all off guard and has left us feeling uncertain of not only today, but also the future ahead of us. We are trying to stay afloat in all of the uncertainty, yet we are home schooling, cooking, washing our hands, cleaning, washing, trying to be creative, refereeing, crafting, playing, washing our hands again! To help, I put together some toys and activities that my son absolutely loves!
All of the roles we have taken on
William even fired his Spanish teacher last week (đđťââď¸Yep! It was me) đ¤Śđťââď¸ But luckily, there are a few toys, some old and some new that have not only kept him entertained, but are also great for imagination, creativity, hand-eye coordination, responsibility, as well as science, math, and engineering skills! They have also kept me sane by giving him something that he enjoys working on individually or that we can do together.
As I’ve said before, us Mamas need too stick together and share our struggles, but also our wins or what is working well. So, I thought I would share what William has been busy with this week in case you need some affordable ideas for your preschool-kindergarten aged child to keep busy during this time of social-distancing.
Magblocks! William has magnet blocks at his school, so I bought him a set a few months ago and he has spent hours playing, building, and imagining with them. They are amazing and worth every penny! You will not regret purchasing a set for your home! https://amzn.to/2Uy5hSR
Learning Resources City Engineering – I bought this set last week and it is already a hit! There are several different options to build including bridges, skyscrapers, and cranes (William’s favorite so far – as he refuses to take it down and build anything else at the moment). He uses his imagination and incorporates other toys in with it. Again, well worth the money! Only $25 https://amzn.to/2UPmXsi
Behavioral Chart – William is becoming more and more independent each day. He loves to do things on his own and loves even more when we praise him for it! The stubbornness that comes with it can be rough at times, but what can I say, he gets it honest and it has served him well thus far! âşď¸ I found this responsibility chart and he has taken a lot of pride in it and is currently working towards a big goal! The one I purchased is not currently available on Amazon, but this one is similar! https://amzn.to/2QYERYc
The Wooden Train Set – We have had parts of the train set for years and William still loves to build new tracks and play with it. I have to admit that I also get a bit wrapped up in building an amazing track full of bridges, different levels and switch tracks. Again, there are several different versions, but I would start basic with a set like this then add to it as you can! https://amzn.to/2X0lKRl
For more ideas of indoor activities for you children, get My List of 20 Indoor Activities to Keep Your Children BusyHERE! It is full of free, creative, indoor activities for your children until our warm weather arrives! Please comment below and share 1 or 2 of your child’s favorite activities or toys!
I hope you are all holding up, staying well, but most importantly, staying HOME and INSIDE! Continue to support one another with kindness, especially those you are at home with and wash your hands! đ
Why do we really need to worry about phthalates? Do they really deserve the bad rap they have been given? Uhmmm, yes! But why? First off, the word is incredibly difficult to spell! But in all seriousness, phthalate exposure has consistently been linked to hormone disruption, worsening asthma and allergies, increased risk of cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, preterm birth, low birthweight, and so much more!
according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), phthalates are a group of man-made chemicals that are used as an additive to PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products. They are colorless, odorless, oily liquids that are added to make plastics flexible and more difficult to break.
Phthalates are also used as solvents or dissolving agents for many other materials. They are often added to personal care products to make the fragrances last longer. But did you know that the ingredient “fragranceâ can include dozens of chemicals and companies are not required to disclose the ingredients publicly on the label.
Unfortunately, when phthalates interact with each other, the exposure effect is increased. In the 2008 report, Phthalates and Cumulative Risk Assessment, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) found strong evidence that exposure to a low-dose mixture of five different phthalates caused harmful effects even when exposure to each phthalate individually showed no effect.
Where will you and your family be exposed to phthalates?
You can find phthalates in hundreds of products, including, but not limited to vinyl flooring, shower curtains, adhesives, detergents, lubricating oils, plastic clothes (raincoats), air fresheners, soft-sided lunch boxes, plastic food wrap, garden hoses, inflatable toys, medical tubing, and even some children’s toys.
How many of your children’s toys may contain phthalates?
They are also often found in cleaning products and personal care products. Personal care products with phthalates added to them may include soaps, shampoos, hair sprays, nutritional supplements, and nail polishes.
What ingredients are in your hand soap?
How will you and your family be effected by phthalates?
You may be exposed to phthalates by eating foods or by drinking liquids that have been in contact with containers containing phthalates. Phthalates do not attach to the product, they migrate to the surface and are then released through heat, agitation, and prolonged storage. The release occurs during all of the stages of the product lifecycle from production, through use, and even disposal. It is also possible to inhale the vapors if the air contains dust contaminated with phthalate particles.
Once phthalates enter your body, they are converted into metabolites that are quickly excreted in your urine. Studies have shown that over 90% of the American public has measurable amounts of phthalates in random urine samples. What does that mean? Sadly, although they may be excreted quickly, we are repeatedly and continually exposed to them.
Who is at an increased risk from exposure to phthalates?
Pregnant women and their fetuses
Recently, two studies from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health revealed that phthalates may increase both the risk of miscarriage and gestational diabetes. Studies have also shown that fetuses who are in a critical window of human development are more vulnerable to adverse outcomes from phthalates. Phthalates cross the placenta and they can be transmitted through breastmilk. A study showed that children whose mothers were exposed to phthalates during pregnancy were more likely to have problems with motor skills and language development. Therefore, there are not just short-term effects from phthalates but effects that may last their entire lifetime.
Young children
Sadly, young children are also at a greater risk of being exposed to phthalate particles because of their hand-to-mouth behaviors. They are also more at risk from phthalates because they are at critical stages of development and due to their smaller body size. With repeat exposure to childrenâs products manufactured using multiple types of phthalate compounds we are sadly unsure of the amount of exposure for our little ones.
A simple toy may expose your child to dangerous phthalates.
How to identify the most widely used phthalate compounds in products
Phthalates are endocrine disruptors. They have been shown to disrupt the bodyâs hormones and cause reproductive health effects. Many phthalates interfere with the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone which is necessary for proper development and function of the male reproductive organs. Interference with testosterone activity, especially early in life, may have irreversible effects on male reproduction.
Additional health effects of phthalates
According to Jurewicz (2011), there are strong and consistent indications that exposure to phthalates increases the risk of allergies and asthma as well. Studies have also shown an adverse impact on childrenâs neurodevelopment and negative changes in toddler behavior. Phthalate exposure in humans has also been linked with an increased risk of cancer, obesity, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, birth defects, preterm birth and low birthweight.
Why are we still exposed to products with phthalates?
It is personal to me!
After reading all of this, you may wonder how is it possible that we are still exposed to phthalates on a daily basis? For me, it is a very personal issue to hear how phthalates may have effected my pregnancies and ultimately my children. I had my son prematurely at 23 weeks followed by two miscarriages. Could my preterm delivery and miscarriages be due to exposure to phthalates? Maybe – but I’ll never really know.
Why are we not protected from phthalates?
Sadly, current law does not require manufacturers to disclose whether or not products contain phthalates, which leaves regulators and consumers completely in the dark. Companies can also just add “fragrance” to the label even if phthalates make up 20% or more of the product. Some toy and cosmetic companies have started to eliminate phthalates from their products, which indicates that it is possible to reformulate products without the use of dangerous phthalates! So why do other companies not follow suit?
We need stricter regulation in the United States
A growing number of states, including California, Maine, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, require product manufacturers to disclose the use of chemicals that may cause birth defects, reproductive harm and/or cancer. But consumer protection should not be left to the voluntary actions by just a few companies or states.
We need stricter regulations here in the United States to protect us. Food manufacturers should no longer use food processing equipment and packaging that contain phthalates. State and federal governments should ban phthalates in home furnishings, building materials, cosmetics, food packaging, and medical devices. ALL cosmetics companies should refuse to use phthalates and other potentially harmful toxic chemicals in personal care products. Hospitals should no longer use PVC medical devices.
What can I do to protect myself and my family?
Read labels and avoid using products that contain phthalates. Support and purchase from companies that are committed to producing phthalate-free products like Beautycounter. Avoid products that include the vague ingredient “fragrance” on the label. Purchase products that are organic and products packaged in glass. Avoid using plastic containers in the microwave or dishwasher. Click HERE for a quick one-page reference on phthalates – what to watch for and how to avoid them!