Ready to shop for safe and high-performing products? Click Here!

The Facts

How many products do you have on your shelf, in your shower, or in your makeup bag that you apply on a daily basis? The average women applies 12 products to her body a day, exposing herself to approximately 168 chemicals. Are you under the assumption that all of the ingredients in personal care products are safe for you and your family? Why wouldn’t they be? Sadly, that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth!

Eating Humble Pie

I’m ashamed to admit that I did not used to check the labels on my personal care products until my first pregnancy.  After I found out that I was pregnant, I started to learn that there were ingredients that I should avoid to protect my baby.  I then tried to avoid ingredients like Retinol, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and parebens to name a few.  I began to pay closer attention, educate myself, and I started to read labels to protect my growing baby.  

My Story

Although I followed all of the basic recommendations of things to avoid during my pregnancies, I still had complications with all of my pregnancies.  With my first pregnancy, I was put on bedrest at 14 weeks due to preterm labor.  I ended up having a placental abruption which resulted in the emergent delivery of my son William at 23 4/7 weeks.  A year and a half later, we were cautiously optimistic because I was pregnant again.  I followed all of the rules, but ended up delivering and losing my sweet Weston at 14 weeks.  Crushed.  As I tried to proceed on with my life, I also resumed my old habit of not reading labels or paying attention to what I applied to my body.  Later that same year, we were thrilled to find out that I was pregnant again.  I went back to reading labels and protecting that sweet, growing baby inside of me until we no longer had a heart beat at 8 weeks.  Devastated.

Reality Check

It finally occurred to me that I was being a complete hypocrite! Why on earth was I so diligent to protect myself and my babies from potentially harmful products when I was pregnant, but not the rest of the time? Hello?!? Was it possible that my preterm delivery and/or miscarriages could have been avoided if I was always using safer products in our home and on my body?  We were beyond blessed to be able to bring our sweet William home after he spent 91 days in the NICU.  After our miracle had defied so many odds and fought so hard to survive, how could I not fully protect him from unsafe products? Or why would I expose my tween step-daughter to harmful chemicals as her body is going through so many changes? It was right around that time that I was introduced to Beautycounter.  

Beautycounter’s Mission

Beautycounter’s mission is to get safe products into the hands of everyone. Many of the ingredients that personal care products are formulated with have been linked to asthma, allergies, infertility, early-onset puberty, and even cancer to name a few.  In the United States, the personal care products industry is largely self-regulated.  The European Union bans over 1,300 ingredients in their product formulas, whereas the United States only bans 30 to date.  There has not been a federal law passed in the U.S. to regulate the safety of our personal care products since 1938.

The Never List

Beautycounter has a Never List of over 1,500 harmful or questionably harmful ingredients that we refuse to put into our products.  We use an ingredient selection process where we ban intentionally, screen rigorously, learn constantly, source responsibly, and share transparently.  Beautycounter, a B Corporation, has such high standards for the safety and quality of their products and the environment.  I feel 100% comfortable using their products on myself and my whole family!

Beautycounter’s Advocacy 

Not only does Beautycounter formulate safe, high-performing products, we are also a disruptive company who tirelessly advocates for stricter guidelines and regulatory laws in a pursuit to shift the personal care industry away from harmful and questionable ingredients.  We continue our movement by meeting with and urging the Members of Congress and Parliament to pass more health protective laws in the personal care industry.  We strongly believe in educating our customers about harmful chemicals in personal products and in their home.   I enjoy helping you find safer alternatives whenever possible.  We want to empower you to demand better from the beauty industry.

Are you ready to start transitioning to safer products for you and your family?  Start HERE!