Magnet blocks are wonderful for imagination, as well as science and engineering skills.

Kindergarten Toys and Activities

We are in the midst of something that has caught us all off guard and has left us feeling uncertain of not only today, but also the future ahead of us. We are trying to stay afloat in all of the uncertainty, yet we are home schooling, cooking, washing our hands, cleaning, washing, trying to be creative, refereeing, crafting, playing, washing our hands again! To help, I put together some toys and activities that my son absolutely loves!

All of the roles we have taken on

William even fired his Spanish teacher last week (🙋🏻‍♀️Yep! It was me) đŸ¤ŚđŸťâ€â™€ď¸
But luckily, there are a few toys, some old and some new that have not only kept him entertained, but are also great for imagination, creativity, hand-eye coordination, responsibility, as well as science, math, and engineering skills! They have also kept me sane by giving him something that he enjoys working on individually or that we can do together.

As I’ve said before, us Mamas need too stick together and share our struggles, but also our wins or what is working well. So, I thought I would share what William has been busy with this week in case you need some affordable ideas for your preschool-kindergarten aged child to keep busy during this time of social-distancing.


Magblocks! William has magnet blocks at his school, so I bought him a set a few months ago and he has spent hours playing, building, and imagining with them. They are amazing and worth every penny! You will not regret purchasing a set for your home!

Magnet blocks are wonderful for imagination, as well as science and engineering skills.

Learning Resources City Engineering

Learning Resources City Engineering – I bought this set last week and it is already a hit! There are several different options to build including bridges, skyscrapers, and cranes (William’s favorite so far – as he refuses to take it down and build anything else at the moment). He uses his imagination and incorporates other toys in with it. Again, well worth the money! Only $25

William loves the Learning Resources City Engineering set that is great for imagination, hand-eye coordination, science, math, and engineering skills.

Behavioral Chart

Behavioral Chart – William is becoming more and more independent each day. He loves to do things on his own and loves even more when we praise him for it! The stubbornness that comes with it can be rough at times, but what can I say, he gets it honest and it has served him well thus far! â˜şď¸ I found this responsibility chart and he has taken a lot of pride in it and is currently working towards a big goal! The one I purchased is not currently available on Amazon, but this one is similar!

responsibility, chore, behavioral chart magnetic, excited, proud

Wooden Train Set

The Wooden Train Set – We have had parts of the train set for years and William still loves to build new tracks and play with it. I have to admit that I also get a bit wrapped up in building an amazing track full of bridges, different levels and switch tracks. Again, there are several different versions, but I would start basic with a set like this then add to it as you can!

William playing with his favorite wooden train set that fits Thomas, Brio, Chuggington, Melissa and Doug, and Imanginarium sets

For more ideas of indoor activities for you children, get My List of 20 Indoor Activities to Keep Your Children Busy HERE! It is full of free, creative, indoor activities for your children until our warm weather arrives! Please comment below and share 1 or 2 of your child’s favorite activities or toys!

I hope you are all holding up, staying well, but most importantly, staying HOME and INSIDE! Continue to support one another with kindness, especially those you are at home with and wash your hands!

Is Fear Holding You Back From Achieving Your Biggest Dream?

What is your biggest dream? 

Do you have a dream or vision churning within you that you cannot let go of? What is holding you back from achieving it?

Most big dreams do not just fall into our laps. We usually have to work incredibly hard to achieve them. But along with working hard, it is also necessary to let go of control, certainty and allow ourselves to be incredibly vulnerable.

Are your fears holding you back?

I’ve recently learned that our fears are actually a guidepost towards our dreams. Yes, you heard me correctly! If you take a look at some of your biggest fears, it is just beyond those where all of your dreams lie. Fear stems from our need to cling onto certainty. Certainty is our desire to predict the outcomes before we proceed. We often only like to do the things that we believe will have the most minimal risk of us not looking good. Or rather, we do not typically put ourselves into a situation where we may look bad! How much of your life is driven by what the outside world thinks of you? Do you live in the safe zone just so you can feel good on the inside?

But it is within the midst of uncertainty, vulnerability, and being uncomfortable where we will grow and start to take steps towards our hopes and dreams. If you want to grow and take steps toward achieving your dreams, then you must get uncomfortable. Fear is essentially a self-defense mechanism to prevent us from being uncomfortable. Our fears are “attempting” to protect us from vulnerability and uncertainty.

So are you going to let your fears keep you from all of your goals? Of course not! If you want a happy, fulfilled, and successful life, you cannot allow uncertainty to drive your choices in life. New accomplishments and achievements will become a reality in the growth zone. When you come upon something that you are fearful of, it is actually a sign that you are on the right track towards your success. You will immediately feel the need to resist. But when resistance shows up in your life, it is actually that very thing you should do to unlock your true potential and greatness. Resistance equals fear.


Or look at it this way. There are 4 different types of fear that we face.

F = failure 

E = expectations

A = abilities

R = regret

We fear that we will fail, or that our expectations will not be met, or doubt our ability to reach our goals, or fear that we would regret going after our dreams. Ultimately, looking deep at the root of our fear, it all stems from self-doubt. If we have self-doubt, we tend to procrastinate and prolong facing our fears. If we do not conquer our self-doubt, we will continue to procrastinate and will be that much further from reaching our goals! Just start! By taking the first step towards your dream, you will naturally remove self-doubt. Remember, progress not perfection. 

How to define your dreams!

First things first, what are your big dreams? Is it just one or is your list endless? Have you ever written them down? There are several ways to see your dreams on paper, but I like this one…

To start, get a piece of paper and a pen, go to a private setting, sit quietly and meditate or pray for a few minutes. Next, keep your eyes closed and visualize yourself in 10 years. Where are you? What do you look like? Are you fit? What are you wearing? Where are you living? What are you driving? What are you doing for work? How much money do you make? What does your home look like? Now, open your eyes. 

Write down everything that you just visualized – down to the most precise details you could see. Write down where you are working, how much money is in your bank account, are you married, do you see children? Do not let doubt creep into your mind, just write.

Now, what steps do you need to take to get you to what you just visualized? Does it require an entirely different career path or is it just expanding where you are? Does your goal require you to go back to school? Do you need to start taking a financial class to straighten out your finances?

Focus on one primary goal

I’m sure you are wondering how to know where to start. As I’ve learned and said before, we must focus on a primary goal to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Read HERE for more information on goal setting and why we need to pick one goal and go for it! But how do you decide which one to pick? Look at your description of how you just visualized your best self 10 years from now – what is the one goal that will bring you closer to that ideal self? 

Facing Your Fears

Now, look at that one goal you have decided to focus on, what is preventing you from achieving it today? I’m going to intervene here and assume that a large portion of what is holding you back are your fears. But, you must decide what you want. Make the choice to do it then move on! Remember, it is your fears that are trying to keep you “safe” and protected from uncertainty. But I encourage you to look again at your ideal self 10 years from now, would that person be who they are and where they are without this goal? And, would you ultimately regret not trying to go for it? Regret can be powerful and detrimental to our mental well-being. So let’s avoid it!

By allowing fear to prevent you from following your dreams, you are giving respect to something that will take control over you. Now comes the difficult part, you need to define your fears. It is one thing to know what you are fearful of, but to fully face them, overcome them, and destroy them, you need to define them by writing them down or telling someone. Next, with logic and care, find a solution to them. As you face your fears, you may fall back and encounter mistakes, that is okay! Take a minute to figure out what you’re supposed to learn from the set back and move on! It is the journey that we learn the most from, not the finale.

Go After Your Dreams!

Be brave! Remember, it is actually on the other side of your fears where all of your success lies. By looking at your fears, facing them, and conquering them, you will find your purpose in life. As Bog Heilig says, “Fear is a call from God or the universe to guide you to your true purpose.” You will not be able to unlock your true potential in life without looking at and facing your fears.

Courage does not mean that you are not afraid, it means you are fearful and afraid, but you push through and do it anyway. Once you acknowledge your fear, push past it and conquer it, you will unlock your true potential. Your true purpose from God on this earth sits just behind that fear!

I believe in you, you just need to start believing in yourself!  

All My Love, Nicole


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What is your story?

“Wake up Nicole, you had a baby boy.” The words I had been waiting to hear since I was a little girl dreaming of my future family. But my reality was far from the perfect story I had envisioned all of those years before.

What is your story? We all have a story. I have a story. My story is not extraordinary but it’s my story and is has forever changed me and the person I am today. I have had some great and glorious chapters in my story, but I have also endured some very difficult experiences in my life that were completely out of my control. Admitting that I do not have control over many chapters in my story is a very difficult concept for me to grasp and accept, and it may be for you as well. But how do you handle those left turns that knock you off of your feet? Regardless of our personal stories, we do have the ability to change some of the chapters in our lives. What kind of person are you? When something devastating occurs in your life, are you someone who will fall down to the ground in complete despair, with feelings of utter hopelessness and with the complete inability to move and get back up? Or are you someone who collapses to the floor, has a moment, but with time accepts what has happened, and begins to dig deep down inside to find the inner strength and determination to pull yourself back up and fight? The beauty of owning your own life story, is that you can change the chapters in your story! It is up to you!

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Nicole Nyberg. I am not a motivational speaker, nor am I a therapist. I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mom, a step-mom, a co-worker, and a friend who, just like you has experienced real life situations. I have learned some things through each of the chapters in my life and I continue to learn new things everyday! Have you ever felt like an experience in your life has repeated itself? As I look back on my life, I can now appreciate that sometimes a situation has repeated itself over and over until I actually came out of my fog and was able to learn the intended lesson – even if it took several times (insert eye roll)! My “Clean Up Your Act” blog is a place where I hope to share stories, laughter, ideas, joy, suggestions, generosity, tips, recommendations, and sometimes even a swift kick in the rear to help you clean up your act on the inside and out! I will speak very directly to you (and try to not be offensive) to help encourage you to take your life by the horns, accept the good, the bad, and the ugly and begin to live your best life! Now is the time to get up off the ground, accept your reality, take responsibility for your own actions and change the chapters in your life!

I will never pretend to have all of the answers nor will I put on a masquerade that my life and my well-being are in a perfect state. I have made and continue to make mistakes in my life on a daily basis just like you! I have been learning a lot over the last few years about living a cleaner life. I try to closely watch what I put into my mouth, what we put on our bodies, and how we clean our home. After hearing some of the absurd statistics regarding harmful chemicals in our food, personal care products, and cleaning products, I cannot unlearn the information and will not go back to living the way that I used to! Lately, I have also been focusing more on my mental and physical well-being and am working towards being a better version of myself. Again, I am a work in progress and will never claim perfection, but I hope you will join me in my journey! Thank you for taking time from your busy life to read my first blog! Be well, Nicole.