How are you really coping through the Coronavirus pandemic? The reality is that we are amidst a time of uncertainty that is unlike anything any of us have experienced before.
We are scared, worried, sad, maybe even mad and frustrated. I do not think any of us initially knew or understood the severity of what was happening in the other countries until it affected ours.
So many disappointments…
I am embarrassed to now admit that I was upset college basketball and March Madness were cancelled. Initially, I was in denial that my conference in Hawaii, where I was meant to present, was going to be cancelled.
I was disappointed that my son’s 6th birthday would be different than what we had envisioned for him.
I am heartbroken that my nephew’s senior year in high school has ended this way. No baseball season, no prom, and no formal graduation. A time in our youth’s life when these events mean everything to them. A time they will not get back with their friends before heading off to college, the military, or trade school.
Or seniors in college who have worked so hard to earn their degree. With just a few more months to cherish their time as a “kid” before heading off to the real world.
Or even those senior college basketball players that thought this was going to be their year. Not only were they going to make it to “the Big Dance” but they had dreams of winning the whole tournament. Dreams that we will never have an answer for.
Stepping back and gaining perspective
But although those disappointments may mean the world to so many people, there is something so much more detrimental going on.
So many Americans and people around the world that have lost their life to this horrific virus.
There are people that have lost their jobs or other who are concerned if their businesses can sustain the pandemic.
Or all of the healthcare workers and first responders that are risking their lives everyday to care for others. Read HERE to see how I honored the healthcare workers for their continued bravery and selflessness. This One is For the Heroes, was just a small way that I could say, “thank you!”
Embracing the positives changes
Although our lives have been flipped upside down, once we are back to standing right side up, we will see some positive outcomes.
The gift of time. The extra time you have been given with your family, you will not get back! The ability to slow down, pause, and reflect will vanish just as quickly as the stay-at-home order came.
Although it doesn’t seem possible, we will look back on this time and forget some of the details.
I want to be able to look back on this time and remember the fear, anxiety, and worry I have been feeling. But also to remember the warmth, kindness, beauty and joy that I have witnessed and felt during this time.
So I developed a questionnaire to capture all of those feelings. There is one unique for each age group – something my whole family can look back and reflect on.
The Coronavirus Time Capsule Questionnaire addresses our current feelings about the pandemic. What concerns you the most? How are our children coping? But most importantly, how this time of reflection will impact our future.
I plan to take my new perspectives after all of this and be all the better because of it. If we cannot improve ourselves after a storm, then what is the point? If we cannot learn to appreciate the small things and God’s blessing during and after a nationwide pandemic – then when will we ever?!?
Making lemonade out of lemons!
My son’s birthday ended up being spectacular! We had a mini parade on a beautiful day with a fire truck, police car, “yellow tanker truck”, as well as our family and friends that all adore William!
A greater appreciation after a new perspective
My hope is that once this passes, we will all have gained an even greater appreciation for things and people we previously took for granted.
For me, I have developed an even greater appreciation for teachers, hair stylists, dog groomers, and all of the first responders and healthcare workers.
I appreciate my ability to freely go to the store, the gym, to go shopping or to a restaurant. While out and about, I cannot wait to see all of the smiles on everyone’s faces that are currently being hidden by masks.
When I hug my parents, friends, and family, I plan to squeeze them a little tighter and take a moment to cherish it even more. And church! Oh my goodness how I will thank God for my ability to sing and worship again inside a church every week!
Family Time
And although I struggle to keep my son occupied at times, I am cherishing every moment I have with that boy. I have been given the gift of time with him. Time I will not get back. He will head off to full-day kindergarten this Fall. Other than summer breaks, these are the last full days I will have with him. I have been given a gift.
I appreciate the quiet time at home with my family. No running errands, or to appointments and activities. No running. Just quiet, quality time with my family. How wonderful!
What are you grateful for during this time?
Grief, grace, and guidance
Lastly, it is okay to not be okay. None of us have navigated through something like this before. Show yourself some grace, but bestow it upon others as well.
Call or reach out to friends and family, especially those that live alone. Pray, meditate, exercise, or take a nice walk. Make sure you care for yourself physically and emotionally in the midst of this pandemic.
Fill your cup by finding church services online, read the Bible or pick up that book you’ve been wanting to read. Pause and enjoy the extra time you have been given with your family.
But, if you are having trouble moving past your sadness or you just need someone to speak to, please reach out to a therapist or counselor. Many therapists are offering virtual sessions. It is okay to ask for guidance through this time of uncertainty.
We will get through this! I am here for you! Be well!
The Coronavirus pandemic has changed and uprooted everyone’s life one way or another. Perhaps you are overwhelmed by working from home and trying to juggle homeschooling your children, cooking, and cleaning. Or if you live alone, you may feel incredibly lonely while practicing social distancing.
Perhaps you are an essential employee who continues to work. You may feel blessed to have a job, but worry about the potential exposure for yourself and your family.
Or you may be a small business owner who can’t sleep at night trying to figure out how to hold on for you and your employees.
Or perhaps you are someone who has already been laid off and is unsure how you will provide for your family.
No matter where you lie on the spectrum, there has been a change for everyone. And I hope we can all respect and appreciate each individual situation as we navigate through these changes together.
Celebrating the heroes
We can all agree that first responders and healthcare workers all over the world have been affected. Even if we had physically and mentally been prepared, nothing could prepare us for what was to come.
Healthcare workers and first responders all over the world acquiring the virus and many losing their lives while so unselfishly trying to save others. Providers and nurses so selflessly coming out of retirement or traveling to the most severely affected cities to lend a hand.
Jumping in head first regardless of the risk, because it is what they have been called to do. Navigating unchartered waters with daily changes in practices due to so many unknowns with COVID-19.
Providing care to patients with inadequate supplies in a country that we thought was flawless and prepared for just about anything! Long hours of wearing masks and personal protective equipment, to the point that skin breakdown develops behind their ears.
No department is excluded
It has not escaped any department. Even in my world as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, there have been “rule-out” and positive cases and we have been exposed. It is scary.
And I have not even come close to experiencing what so many other nurses, physicians, nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, and healthcare techs have endured. The healthcare workers in the emergency departments and ICUs who are truly on the front line – especially in our cities that have been so affected.
Pure exhaustion and devastation
Healthcare workers moved to tears out of fear, exhaustion, and pure sadness. Seeing more devastation and death in one day than they have witnessed the whole previous year. Supporting their patients in the dying process because otherwise they would have been completely alone.
Unable to process each devastating moment because there are too many more waiting on them.
Many in healthcare who have chosen not to go home and see their family and children at the risk of exposing them. Unable to get a much needed hug from their spouse or children after a grueling day at the hospital. Yet, sadly, you may hear some parents complain about their children being home all day.
So many of my friends, including, but not limited to those pictured below have continued to go to work during the pandemic. We read the daily updates and do our best to keep our patients and ourselves safe!
Give thanks!
So please, take a moment and thank a first responder or healthcare worker today. Although it is our profession and what we are paid to do, the simple “thank you” notes mean so much. The signs outside of the hospitals and the videos of people greeting employees from their cars in the hospital parking lot or from their homes in the city is so beautiful and moving.
After all of this passes, and it will, show those that have been on the front lines some grace. Support them emotionally and check on them frequently. They will need you.
Remembering the patients affected by Coronavirus
We must also remember and honor the patients who have acquired this horrific virus and those that have lost their battle with it. We read and hear heartbreaking stories everyday. The images we have seen on the news or in social media cannot be erased from our memory – even if we try.
Loved ones unable to tell their family member good-bye before their last breath.
So many healthcare workers and first responders losing their life by simply going to work and doing their job.
Give back to the heroes
Consider giving back to honor the heroes.
It can be as simple as a prayer thanking them each night. Help your children write a thank you card to units actively treating COVID-19 patients. Send a catered dinner to a hospital unit or police station. Or simply support one of the many fundraisers to help supply more personal protective equipment for those on the front lines.
Beautycounter is donating a Charcoal Cleansing Bar to healthcare workers through April for every order that is placed. I am personally donating my commission from my event, This One is For the HEROES. I will be supporting a company that is proving masks to Chicago area hospitals and will provide units on the frontline with food.
What can you and your family do to show support? It does not need to be a monetary donation, sometimes the most simple gestures are the most touching.
We are in the midst of something that has caught us all off guard and has left us feeling uncertain of not only today, but also the future ahead of us. We are trying to stay afloat in all of the uncertainty, yet we are home schooling, cooking, washing our hands, cleaning, washing, trying to be creative, refereeing, crafting, playing, washing our hands again! To help, I put together some toys and activities that my son absolutely loves!
All of the roles we have taken on
William even fired his Spanish teacher last week (🙋🏻♀️Yep! It was me) 🤦🏻♀️ But luckily, there are a few toys, some old and some new that have not only kept him entertained, but are also great for imagination, creativity, hand-eye coordination, responsibility, as well as science, math, and engineering skills! They have also kept me sane by giving him something that he enjoys working on individually or that we can do together.
As I’ve said before, us Mamas need too stick together and share our struggles, but also our wins or what is working well. So, I thought I would share what William has been busy with this week in case you need some affordable ideas for your preschool-kindergarten aged child to keep busy during this time of social-distancing.
Magblocks! William has magnet blocks at his school, so I bought him a set a few months ago and he has spent hours playing, building, and imagining with them. They are amazing and worth every penny! You will not regret purchasing a set for your home!
Learning Resources City Engineering – I bought this set last week and it is already a hit! There are several different options to build including bridges, skyscrapers, and cranes (William’s favorite so far – as he refuses to take it down and build anything else at the moment). He uses his imagination and incorporates other toys in with it. Again, well worth the money! Only $25
Behavioral Chart – William is becoming more and more independent each day. He loves to do things on his own and loves even more when we praise him for it! The stubbornness that comes with it can be rough at times, but what can I say, he gets it honest and it has served him well thus far! ☺️ I found this responsibility chart and he has taken a lot of pride in it and is currently working towards a big goal! The one I purchased is not currently available on Amazon, but this one is similar!
The Wooden Train Set – We have had parts of the train set for years and William still loves to build new tracks and play with it. I have to admit that I also get a bit wrapped up in building an amazing track full of bridges, different levels and switch tracks. Again, there are several different versions, but I would start basic with a set like this then add to it as you can!
For more ideas of indoor activities for you children, get My List of 20 Indoor Activities to Keep Your Children BusyHERE! It is full of free, creative, indoor activities for your children until our warm weather arrives! Please comment below and share 1 or 2 of your child’s favorite activities or toys!
I hope you are all holding up, staying well, but most importantly, staying HOME and INSIDE! Continue to support one another with kindness, especially those you are at home with and wash your hands! 😘
Do you have a dream or vision churning within you that you cannot let go of? What is holding you back from achieving it?
Most big dreams do not just fall into our laps. We usually have to work incredibly hard to achieve them. But along with working hard, it is also necessary to let go of control, certainty and allow ourselves to be incredibly vulnerable.
Are your fears holding you back?
I’ve recently learned that our fears are actually a guidepost towards our dreams. Yes, you heard me correctly! If you take a look at some of your biggest fears, it is just beyond those where all of your dreams lie. Fear stems from our need to cling onto certainty. Certainty is our desire to predict the outcomes before we proceed. We often only like to do the things that we believe will have the most minimal risk of us not looking good. Or rather, we do not typically put ourselves into a situation where we may look bad! How much of your life is driven by what the outside world thinks of you? Do you live in the safe zone just so you can feel good on the inside?
But it is within the midst of uncertainty, vulnerability, and being uncomfortable where we will grow and start to take steps towards our hopes and dreams. If you want to grow and take steps toward achieving your dreams, then you must get uncomfortable. Fear is essentially a self-defense mechanism to prevent us from being uncomfortable. Our fears are “attempting” to protect us from vulnerability and uncertainty.
So are you going to let your fears keep you from all of your goals? Of course not! If you want a happy, fulfilled, and successful life, you cannot allow uncertainty to drive your choices in life. New accomplishments and achievements will become a reality in the growth zone. When you come upon something that you are fearful of, it is actually a sign that you are on the right track towards your success. You will immediately feel the need to resist. But when resistance shows up in your life, it is actually that very thing you should do to unlock your true potential and greatness. Resistance equals fear.
Or look at it this way. There are 4 different types of fear that we face.
F = failure
E = expectations
A = abilities
R = regret
We fear that we will fail, or that our expectations will not be met, or doubt our ability to reach our goals, or fear that we would regret going after our dreams. Ultimately, looking deep at the root of our fear, it all stems from self-doubt. If we have self-doubt, we tend to procrastinate and prolong facing our fears. If we do not conquer our self-doubt, we will continue to procrastinate and will be that much further from reaching our goals! Just start! By taking the first step towards your dream, you will naturally remove self-doubt. Remember, progress not perfection.
How to define your dreams!
First things first, what are your big dreams? Is it just one or is your list endless? Have you ever written them down? There are several ways to see your dreams on paper, but I like this one…
To start, get a piece of paper and a pen, go to a private setting, sit quietly and meditate or pray for a few minutes. Next, keep your eyes closed and visualize yourself in 10 years. Where are you? What do you look like? Are you fit? What are you wearing? Where are you living? What are you driving? What are you doing for work? How much money do you make? What does your home look like? Now, open your eyes.
Write down everything that you just visualized – down to the most precise details you could see. Write down where you are working, how much money is in your bank account, are you married, do you see children? Do not let doubt creep into your mind, just write.
Now, what steps do you need to take to get you to what you just visualized? Does it require an entirely different career path or is it just expanding where you are? Does your goal require you to go back to school? Do you need to start taking a financial class to straighten out your finances?
Focus on one primary goal
I’m sure you are wondering how to know where to start. As I’ve learned and said before, we must focus on a primary goal to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Read HERE for more information on goal setting and why we need to pick one goal and go for it! But how do you decide which one to pick? Look at your description of how you just visualized your best self 10 years from now – what is the one goal that will bring you closer to that ideal self?
Facing Your Fears
Now, look at that one goal you have decided to focus on, what is preventing you from achieving it today? I’m going to intervene here and assume that a large portion of what is holding you back are your fears. But, you must decide what you want. Make the choice to do it then move on! Remember, it is your fears that are trying to keep you “safe” and protected from uncertainty. But I encourage you to look again at your ideal self 10 years from now, would that person be who they are and where they are without this goal? And, would you ultimately regret not trying to go for it? Regret can be powerful and detrimental to our mental well-being. So let’s avoid it!
By allowing fear to prevent you from following your dreams, you are giving respect to something that will take control over you. Now comes the difficult part, you need to define your fears. It is one thing to know what you are fearful of, but to fully face them, overcome them, and destroy them, you need to define them by writing them down or telling someone. Next, with logic and care, find a solution to them. As you face your fears, you may fall back and encounter mistakes, that is okay! Take a minute to figure out what you’re supposed to learn from the set back and move on! It is the journey that we learn the most from, not the finale.
Go After Your Dreams!
Be brave! Remember, it is actually on the other side of your fears where all of your success lies. By looking at your fears, facing them, and conquering them, you will find your purpose in life. As Bog Heilig says, “Fear is a call from God or the universe to guide you to your true purpose.” You will not be able to unlock your true potential in life without looking at and facing your fears.
Courage does not mean that you are not afraid, it means you are fearful and afraid, but you push through and do it anyway. Once you acknowledge your fear, push past it and conquer it, you will unlock your true potential. Your true purpose from God on this earth sits just behind that fear!
I believe in you, you just need to start believing in yourself!
Why You Should Switch to an Aluminum-free, Safe Deodorant
I have learned the good, the bad, and the ugly during my transition to safer personal care products. Eventually, I knew that I had to face the deodorant debacle. Many personal care products perform just as well if not better than their unsafe counterparts. But deodorant – we absolutely need it to work and work well! No one wants to walk around paranoid about potential body odor!
Why should we avoid Aluminum-based deodorants?
Clogged Sweat Ducts
Aluminum-based compounds are the active ingredients in antiperspirants. The purpose of the aluminum salts is to temporarily “plug” the sweat ducts. Sweat ducts transport your sweat from your body to your skin’s surface. Aluminum salts actually dissolve and form a chemical reaction with the water to block your sweat. The idea of plugging the sweat ducts to keep the area under your arms dry sounds good in theory, but is it really?
Sweating is your body’s natural way of eliminating heat, toxins, and environmental pollutants that attach to your body – I know I want those out! Once your sweat ducts are plugged, the aluminum in antiperspirant deodorant forces your body to reabsorb all of those toxins – gross! No thank you! Just as you need to breathe, so do your pores! Additionally, clogged pores can lead to acne and other dermatologic problems.
What are other common chemicals we should avoid in deodorant?
Parabens are preservatives many companies use to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria in your deodorant or antiperspirant. What’s wrong with parabens? Research has shown that parabens mimic the activity of estrogen in the body’s cells. By mimicking the activity of estrogen, they disrupt your natural hormonal mechanisms. A higher lifetime exposure to estrogen has been shown to increase the risk for breast cancer. Research shows that parabens harm infertility and reproductive organs and may also affect birth outcomes. Parabens are absorbed through the skin and into your body once you are exposed to them in your personal care products.
Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors. They are a colorless, odorless, oily liquids that are added to make plastic flexible and more easy to break. Sadly, they are also added to personal care products to make the fragrances last longer. Phthalate exposure has been linked to hormone disruption, worsening asthma and allergies, increased risk of cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, preterm birth, and low birthweight. The risks are not just unique to women either, phthalates are also linked to interference with male testosterone and can cause irreversible effects on male reproduction.
If that is not scary enough, read HERE for more detailed information on phthalates and why you and your family should avoid them at all costs! Want the quick and dirty? Find a one page phthalate reference guide HERE to assist you and your clean living journey.
Polyethylene Glycol
Polyethylene Glycol (PEGs) are used as a solvent and thickener cosmetics. PEGs are a mixture of polymers or compounds that have been bonded together. In cosmetics, they soften and moisturize, stabilize ingredients, and enhance the penetration of other ingredients, both good and bad. Therefore, if your cosmetic product contains toxic chemicals, PEGs will make it easier for them to penetrate into your skin. PEGs also alter your skin’s natural moisture balance and are often contaminated with toxic impurities. They should especially be avoided if your skin is compromised or not intact.
Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol is a man-made alcohol that absorbs water. Companies add it to deodorant so it glides onto your skin smoothly. Unfortunately, propylene glycol has been linked to cancer, reproductive complications, developmental abnormalities, neurotoxicity, and endocrine issues. Allergic reactions and contact dermatitis are also common with use of products that contain propylene glycol.
What is included in fragrance? That is the problem, no one knows! Under federal law (yes, that’s right), cosmetic companies are allowed to label a product with the word “fragrance” even though it may contain thousands of different chemicals. Brands are protected because fragrances are considered a “trade secret.” What does that mean? Companies ARE NOT required to disclose the ingredients even if they may contain chemicals you are trying to avoid including allergens, preservatives, parabens and so much more. Moral of the story, when you see fragrance listed on the ingredient list, avoid purchasing and using the product!
Interested in changing to a safer deodorant yet?
Yes, yes, and yes! I hope you will strongly consider making the switch to safer deodorant after learning some of the potentials risks with many of the aluminum-based deodorants. Need more information to sway you?
What are the benefits of choosing an aluminum-free deodorant?
Decreased risk of breast cancer
There has been inconclusive evidence linking aluminum-based deodorants to the development of breast cancer. More clinical trials will need to be completed, but for me, it is a pretty simple choice. Upon learning about the potential exposure of chemicals in an area full of lymph nodes near breast tissue, it was a no-brainer. Some studies suggest that aluminum-based antiperspirants that are applied frequently and remain on the skin near the breast, are absorbed by the skin and have estrogen-like hormonal effects. It is known that estrogen can promote the growth of breast cancer cells and parabens are found in breast tumors, but a definitive link has not been established. But I would ask you, is it worth the risk?
Keep your pores clear
As you read above, aluminum-based deodorants actually plug your pores and prevent your body from excreting out heat, sweat, toxins, and pollutants. If your pores are continually clogged, it can also lead to acne and other dermatology based issues. Did you know if you or someone you love uses a prescription-strength antiperspirant that it can contain four times the amount of aluminum chloride typically found in an over-the-counter antiperspirant? The area under your arms is also very thin and more sensitive than other areas of your body. Many consumers have significant skin breakdown or irritation from aluminum-based deodorants as well.
Fight odor with natural ingredients
Yes, it does work! Aluminum-free deodorants can be very effective. With the use of essential oils or other natural ingredients, natural deodorants smell lovely and are just as effective and safer than their counterparts that use toxic fragrances. Companies striving for safer, more natural deodorants often use bacteria-fighting ingredients like coconut oil and beeswax in their deodorants.
Improve your skin
Natural, aluminum-free deodorants contain more natural, safe ingredients. Once you stop using deodorants full of chemicals, you will see an improvement in your skin’s health.
Steps to ease your transition
Prepare for a detox period
If possible, try to go au naturel for a few days. Stop using your aluminum-based deodorant and wear nothing. Your sweat glands will become unclogged and your body will naturally begin to push out those chemicals. To support this process, keep the area dry and add a combination of tea-tree oil and lavender or coconut oil. Do not give up! It will be worth it!
Even if you switch directly to a more natural deodorant after stopping your aluminum-based deodorant, you will be lead to believe that it is not working. Stick with it! Your body is in a transition period and purging out build up from years of clogged pores! With that said, it may take several weeks for this process, so please be patient with your body and know that it will pass. Do not revert back or you will have to start the process all over again! Many consumers who have fully transitioned to only using a natural deodorant actually report that they sweat less overall.
Exercising more regularly. Yes, you heard me correctly – exercising more often during your detox period may actually speed up the process.
Consume a healthy diet
Eat a healthy, more leafy diet if possible with a lot of water to support your detox during this transition period.
Wash and exfoliate
Wash under your arms with a natural soap daily and exfoliate under your arms once to twice weekly during the transition time.
Keep them dry
Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments – aka under your arms! To prevent the accumulation of odor, which is due to the bacteria, pat the area under your arms dry after your shower and before applying deodorant or essential oils.
Optimize timing between shaving and deodorant application
Even some more natural deodorants can be irritating to your skin. Many aluminum-free deodorants contain baking soda as a natural deodorizer. Some people report irritation from baking soda, so try to find an option with a low concentration or none at all. Additionally, some essential oils may irritate the thin layer under your arms.
Should you experience any skin irritation by your new aluminum-free deodorant, try these tips. If you shave under your arms, wash, then pat the area under your arms dry and…wait! Try to wait around 30 minutes between shaving and applying deodorant. Or better yet, shave in the evening and apply your deodorant in the morning. You can also try an essential oil-free option. Also, consider a more natural remedy to nourish your skin during the night. Consider trying coconut oil, (here is one of my favorites) or a product with calendula flower extract like this Calendula Lip Conditioner (yes, it’s multi-purpose). Another great option is to apply a skin-soothing balm, like Counter+ Lotus Glow Cleansing Balm every night before bed.
Consider Charcoal
Consider using a charcoal-based body wash, bar, or mask to assist with your detox process. Activated charcoal naturally draws out impurities and bacteria from your body. My favorite charcoal bar is from Beautycounter, learn more about it HERE on “My Favorite Products” page. Another great option for cleansing with charcoal is the Counterman Energizing Charcoal Body Wash. Even after my detox period, I will occasionally wash under my arms with the charcoal bar or body wash to help pull out impurities. Or consider the Counter+ Charcoal Facial Mask with activated charcoal. Apply it to your face and consider it for under your arms as well! It purifies and will help to balance out your skin while also absorbing excess oil and drawing out impurities.
Cleansing Charcoal Bar
How to decide which natural deodorant to use?
The process of switching to an aluminum-free deodorant is more seamless than in previous years. Companies have really done their homework and you can now find a safe and effective deodorant. It really comes down to trying out different aluminum-free deodorants and deciding which works best for you. I will walk you through my process and how I ultimately decided on Primally Pure’s deodorant.
Initially, I started using deodorant from Native. They do not use any parabens, aluminum, or sulfates. The wide variety of scents are lovely and a great option. My favorite is the Coconut and Vanilla. The deodorant glides on smoothly and I love the scents. Some other great options include the Cucumber and Mint, which is very refreshing or the Lavender and Rose has a nice floral scent. They also launch different seasonal options to change the scents up. The only downside I experienced with Native, was as the day progressed, it would clump together in little balls under my arms which was not very appealing. Truth be told, I used this brand for over a year and found that it did control any odor and I never had any break outs from it.
Due to the ability to go to a local store and purchase Schmidt’s deodorant, I thought I’d give it a try! But I found that it did not glide onto my skin smoothly. I also felt that it did not control my odor as well as Native.
I then decided to try out Primally Pure’s deodorant. Va Va Voom! It is by far my favorite option out of all of the natural, safe deodorants that I have tried. Primally Pure’s natural deodorant contains a small amount of baking soda to combat odor. Formulated with kaolin clay, a powerful detoxifier and non-nano zinc oxide, it soothes away any irritation. The additional organic ingredients including grass-fed tallow, fair trade coconut oil, arrowroot powder, beeswax and essential oils make it glide on smooth, prevent clumping, and it effectively combats any odor. The Blue Tansy is my favorite and contains Blue Tansy essential oil that effectively combats inflammation and calms irritation while also soothing your skin. I also really love the Charcoal deodorant. Formulated with activated coconut charcoal, it contains additional detoxifying benefits while it also deodorizes and disinfects – great option for the man in your life.
Blue Tansy Deodorant by Primally PureCharcoal Deodorant by Primally Pure
Primally Pure also offers a variety of deodorant scents and additional safe and natural products. They have a subscription option available as well to ensure you never run out of your deodorant or other favorite products!
I hope I have brought some valuable information your way regarding aluminum-based deodorant and why you should really consider making the switch to a safe, more natural option. After doing my research, the information makes me even more furious. To learn that products I purchased here in the United States, contain dangerous chemicals gets my blood boiling! Before I knew any better, I applied products while I was pregnant that likely contained parabens and phthalates. Both of these chemicals are linked to miscarriages and preterm birth – two very personal and devastating events that have affected me personally. So please, learn from my mistakes! Become your own advocate, expand your knowledge now, protect yourself and those you love, and do not be afraid to make changes!
Like all of you, I have been thinking of new goals for the new year. Who doesn’t want to start out a new year with new behaviors? It is a season that we tend to reflect on our previous year and feel we are offered an opportunity to improve. Josh asked me what my 3 goals were for the upcoming year and to be honest, I haven’t answered him. I want to be very specific yet broad all at the same time. Does anyone else feel that way?
Focusing on one goal at a time
I listen to a lot of podcasts during my drives to and from work. I mean, a lot of podcasts, too many podcasts! Although they are all valuable, they leave me feeling like I can conquer the world! I tend to get too many ideas and become way to ambitious! My grandiose ideas steer me into too many lanes and I am not nearly as laser focused as I should be on specific goals.
One thing I have learned, but still need to work on, is that you should start with one specific goal. If you set your eyes on several goals and do not focus on one, you will end up doing everything half-assed (sorry for the language). As Rachel Hollis has said, if you throw a bunch of pebbles into a lake, it will make small ripples in the water but not much movement. Now, throw a boulder into the lake and you’ll make a ginormous splash and some serious movement!
We all need to see some serious movement within the goals we have set for ourselves. Movement means progress which will continue to motivate you to keep fighting for that particular goal. Without movement, progress, and motivation, you may begin to feel discouraged and will quit.
Declare your goal
Once you have picked out your one particular goal – say it out loud! Not only should you say it, you should scream it from the roof tops! I am going to…..!!! Tell your spouse, your best friend, your parents, or just scream it out loud in your car (I’ve done that before and it actually worked). Also, this is important, you must be resolute and state your goal in the form of a statement. Do not say, I want to run a 5K, rather say, “I am going to run a 5K!” When you declare a goal, say it as though it is DEFINITELY going to happen!
My goal for this year
So here it goes, my declaration: I am going to present at two speaking engagements this year! Now, I am specifying two events because I already have one speaking engagement scheduled. I would be cheating myself, lying to all of you, and not challenging myself if I do not go beyond what I have planned already. I have decided to challenge myself and put myself out there a bit this year. Do I love public speaking, no – not really at all. But I see an opportunity to share some things I’m passionate about. I have had personal experiences that I feel other people would benefit from hearing about.
Speaking Engagement #1
This month, I will be speaking at a Women’s Winter Retreat hosted by Allerton Retreat Center and CUltivate. A great friend mentioned that she was going to be presenting and wondered if I would be interested as well. I thought, sure! In full transparency, I was not chosen to speak at this event nor did I apply. I emailed a chairperson, shared a topic idea that I feel I am knowledgeable in that would benefit women, and she said, “Sure!” So I will be presenting Clean Living – Why you should consider leading a cleaner lifestyle. I do not presume to be perfect in this topic, but as I have learned more I feel the need to share more.
Here in the U.S., there is a significant lack of regulation to protect us as consumers, especially from the ingredients in personal care products. Click HERE to learn how to keep you and your family safe. Or read this post on Phthalates, to understand why you should steer clear of them!
Sorry, I digress – but if you are local and interested in learning some valuable information to enhance your personal or professional life from some amazing local women, consider signing up for the Women’s Winter Retreat! I am looking forward to meeting new women, developing new friendships, networking, relaxing and learning ways to improve myself and have a kick butt year! I’d love to see you there!
Speaking Engagement #2
My second speaking engagement in 2020 is not as much of a sure thing. I have no idea if I will actually get the opportunity to present, but I really want this one! I pray that my passion and what I envision for this topic are portrayed clearly in my submission. If you are the praying kind, I’m not afraid to ask for a little prayer for this one. The topic is incredibly relevant in the arena and I feel that it could really affect the attendees.
Honestly, I wasn’t going to declare my goal on here, but I felt a bit hypocritical, and I do not like hypocrites, so here it goes. I am going to speak at a nursing conference in a concurrent session on the importance of Family-Centered Care. Did you see how I stated it although I actually have no idea if it will actually happen!
After years have passed, I have come to the realization that I have been blessed with a different perspective. Although, it has taken me awhile to consider it a blessing. After being a NICU nurse for years and a NNP, sitting on the other side of the isolette as a mother of a 23 weeker, forever changed me. I know William’s story will change other lives as well and be incredibly impactful. So I am going to do it!
What are your goals?
It is time to dream, my friends. If not today, then when?
State your goal, then start to work backwards to figure out how you are going to achieve it. Write those steps down. Make sure the steps are measurable and concrete. Vagueness is a cop-out. Be brave, precise, and bold. If it was easy, you would have done it already. But you need very specific steps to get you to your dream. Write them down, dig deep, and get to work!
What you need to get started
Depending on your goal, you may need very specific things. But to start, I recommend a planner. Even with all of the technology, I still find it necessary and productive to have a paper planner. To keep yourself organized and on task, you should have a space to write down your daily, weekly and monthly priorities and goals. I really like this one by Clever Fox.
Or this beauty by Smart Planner Pro. What I love about this planner is that it also has a place for daily gratitude. Practicing gratitude on a daily basis is an amazing behavior to adapt. Focusing on your daily blessings trains your mind to naturally see and appreciate the good things in your life.
The Pens
Now, here is the one thing I promise you need for the new year – in addition to all of the above! 😉 Amazing Pens! I have found the creme de la creme of pens! If you are a nurse or nurse practitioner, you understand the important of a good pen!
Also, because I love a clean and flawless organizer, checkbook etc. without marks all over it, I have found erasable pens – that actually work! Not only are the pens erasable, but they write beautifully and come in gorgeous colors so you can color coordinate your planner! Yes, nerd alert!!! The pens are from FriXion and they come in a colorful pack of 7 – Check them out HERE!
Happy New Year! I hope you all have an amazing year ahead of you! Reach for the stars, declare your goal, dig in and go for it! I’d love to hear what your goal is for the year, so please comment!